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It is always OK to be You

“You are you. Now, isn't that pleasant?”― Dr. Seuss

And just like that, we are in December. As I’ll be taking time off, I will make this a bumper edition with the astrology of December 2024 and January 2025. So grab your favourite beverage or snack and let’s dive in!

The mad rush begins to finish all we can before the end of the year as if there won’t be time in 2025. At least here in Sydney, the traffic starts to get crazy and subside once the new year turns over. Add some alcohol and lots of food, and welcome to this year's silly season. Speaking of which, when I get tired and beyond exhausted, I'm running on cortisol, and I start to giggle and get silly. I can laugh so much that I remember my late father (the astute Capricorn) telling me to be serious and to stop laughing. What did that do? It made me laugh more. Just thinking about it makes me giggle.

And that’s the energy of how the month begins. With the New Moon in Sagittarius, we are invited to let go and laugh for the silly season. This time, though, we need to look at the bigger picture of what was 2024. Before we turn a new leaf as the clock ticks over into 2025. The New Moon forms a Fire Grand Trine with the North Node and Mars, inviting us to look at the year up close. Look at what angered you, but don’t react toward it as you would always do. Here’s a challenge: look at it through the eyes of those who wronged you. A villain in a story is never a villain in their eyes. While I’m not condoning what was done, understanding motives is the key to healing. As Pallas Athena moves into Capricorn, be wary of withdrawing emotionally. And wary of controlling the path toward healing.

With this placement in Capricorn, Pallas Athena asks us to ensure our passion is what we do with our lives. That we don’t give way to that despite everything else but that we are in for the long haul. On the 8th of December, Mars in Leo goes Retrograde as Ceres enters Aquarius. This will be a juxtaposition with the asteroid goddess. She’s asking us to be a little serious (like my late father), while Mars and Ceres are asking us to be a tad playful and unique. It is a silly season, after all.

And that is the balance we will need as Neptune finally listens to Pluto and goes direct on 9th December. The tides will appear clearer about what we invest our time in. The rose-coloured glasses will fade and see what is as it is. Venus and Ceres move into the sign of Aquarius and decide to have a dinner party for three that day. They form an easy opposition with the Nodal Axis. How’s that for a mix in the lead-up to the Full Moon in Gemini a couple of days later. The Full Moon, conjunct Jupiter, makes a lovely trine to this Pluto/Mars/Venus mix. What does this all mean? Well, as Mercury goes direct, he’s sending a message to the underworld from Pluto that we need to take the reins. It is time to do things in ways we have never done before. We are urged to look at our past and not face it in a Six of Cups way. Stop romanticising it, see it for what it is, but don’t demonise it. There are great lessons all around. As the year approaches Winter/Summer Equinox, we will finally get it. Happy Birthday, Capricorns!

And before I move on to the rest of the forecast, I would like to wish everyone a HAPPY HOLIDAYS/CHRISTMAS/YULE/HANNUKAH!

We will finally know what we want going forward. As the Mercury shadow period ends, the New Moon in Capricorn arrives on the 30th of December. We go deep and see everything as it is. There may be a feeling of finally knowing what you want out of life. And if you are reading this thinking you don’t know what you want, that is OK too! Take the time out to figure out what is going on.

Christmas Village
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

So take the time with this Capricorn New Moon (as I outline every year) to list the negatives of 2024. Discard that list safely. Then, make a list of what you are grateful for in 2024. You would be surprised how much good came out of it. Then 12 hours after the New Moon occurs, list what you want for 2025. Keep that in your 2025 diary for future reference…like a life plan. You’d be surprised how this can bring things about. And don’t forget to add, ‘For the good of all or none at all.’ This balances out your karma and allows the Universe to do its thing.

I shall take the time to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! May it be filled with everything you desire in your life that is positive and, above all, good health.

At the start of 2025, we have five astrological movements in the first half of January. Venus enters the sign of Pisces (4th of January), Mars goes Retrograde in Cancer (7th of January), and Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn (9th of January) as we lead up to the big transit of the month on the 12th of January when the North Node moves into the Pisces realm too!  Then, we have the Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th of January.

So, let's unpack this first week of the year. We enter the year with caution but are more open to what the year can entail. This will be mixed with a desire to hibernate and be safe in the comfort of our homes. We want to get out but also don't as we may need more rest. So if you’ve been partying all silly season and need to get back to work as soon as the new year starts, take heed to get more rest before tackling the year ahead. One thing we don’t do or realise is that rest is quite productive for our well-being. Not enough sleep and health suffers. So please take this week to rest if you can.

With the Nodes moving into a new axis, we will focus on introspection with peace, calm and acceptance. We will learn how much we are all connected. We will feel this shift over the next 18 months. We feel the need to treat our health beyond the physical toward the spiritual connection. We may lean toward healing our souls so our bodies can thrive. The Full Moon encourages us to use our intuition and discover buried emotions to be released before moving forward.

The Sun will come to meet Pluto as he enters the sign of Aquarius on the 20th. Happy Birthday to all our Aquarians! It is time to look at life from another point of view, and that is from another dimension. Ask your beloved Aquarian. They are always connected. As my household is half Aquarian, I’m always astounded by their insights. So when the New Moon in Aquarius comes (29th of January) followed by Uranus moving directly (31st of January), we will make new beginnings for the year at least to what we need to detach from. Uranus will not hold back any longer.

You see, when this transit happens, the school year will be starting here in Sydney. I am not one of those mums who is involved in everything at the school. I am proud to be the woo-woo mumma and chill with the cool mums (in other words, the ones that are always excluded). Why? Because who you surround yourself with will affect your kids (free advice there), and I like surrounding myself with kindred spirits. It has taken me a while to be true to myself, and this year is just about that. To be true to ourselves and to be ourselves!

Enjoy life! All we can do is look forward, and I’m looking forward to the FAA Conference in January 2025. It’s my first astrology conference, and I can’t wait to catch up with astro buddies, old and new. I hope to see you there, and if not, we’ll reconnect next year with the astrology of February 2025. When schools are back in the southern hemisphere again… eek!

See you in the playground…You'll know it's me. Right there in the centre. I’m the weird one, standing alone. Refusing to be serious as I wait for my Aquarian boy. An infectious giggle and a smile spread across my being that may have infuriated my late father, but I’m sure he would smile too when he spots his grandkid. My little Aquarian is at the back of the line of kids, doing the moonwalk toward me with two hats on his head.

See you next year!

Astrological blessings,

Georgina xxx

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