When this movie won an Oscar, I thought I had to see it. I love movies. And sometimes, I'm unaware particular films exist until they are on the Oscar nomination list.
I sat down to watch Everything Everywhere All At Once, on a streaming platform. I forced myself to watch it. I have a Moon in Capricorn, so if I start something, I finish it no matter what. At the time, I thought, that if leaders in the film industry thought it was amazing, then there was something to it.
I saw this movie at a time when my memory was affected by childbirth and child-rearing. I don't remember much, except that I felt numb watching it. And I didn't understand it. And that is how April feels.

With all the hubbub that was March 2025 in the skies, April brings some reprieve. Yet the skies have something else in mind.
April starts with Mercury going in direct motion on 7th April. We must hold our horses and wait out the two-week shadow period to reassess. There are lessons here that we need to listen to. These are the lessons that we may deny but should listen to. This way, we honour ourselves and the information we are receiving (Mercury is conjunct with Saturn and Venus in Pisces (retrograde), with the North Node making an easy opposition to Vesta (also regtrograde) and Hygeia).
The Libran Full Moon on the 13th of April shines as we move out of the Mercury and Venus retrograde season. In an Air sign, the Moon thinks a lot. She may look pretty, want everyone to get along and be all lovely dovey, but a lot is brewing in her head. With the Full Moon, watch out for overthinking, as it can bring an imbalance into our lives. We will have that inner procrastination to finalise a decision. There is a feeling of struggling to make this decision known. But all we have to do is be open. Open to let it go out into the Universe. Once we do, the healing begins on all levels (Sun conjunct Chiron; Moon in out-of-sign conjunction with Black Moon Lilith).
So when Mercury moves into the sign of Aries on the 17th, we are ready to take the bull by the horns and move forward. Mercury takes part in an out-of-sign Grand Trine with Mars and Juno. Look at the passions that you have. Look at what drives you in your relationships and what you love doing (Mercury in an out-of-sign stellium with the North Node, Saturn, Venus and Ceres). We need to take charge like a bull in a china shop and not be scared to break the china that needs breaking. It can be overwhelming as Mercury is in a partile conjunction with Neptune. And may feel overwhelmed as everything comes at once. This is why we will feel neither here nor there but everywhere.
Another personal planet, Mars, moves into Leo on the 19th of April. All that was pent up was getting ready for release. We are now bold enough to take the action we want to take. We know it is time to take that next step. To step outside of our comfort zones. It is a time when we can take ownership of what we need to.
The Sun moves into Taurus on 20th April. Happy Birthday to all Taureans! Don’t be surprised if you want to slow down in the second half of the month. Imagine getting a call from someone who wants to catch up with you. They ask, are you free on a day when the Sun is in Taurus? Guess what? You are! But you want to rest. Pamper yourself to recharge the batteries and find yourself saying no. There is no shame in saying no. There is no shame in letting go during this waning phase of the month. When we do, we can silence the outside noise. We can hear what we need to hear (Sun in Grand Cross with Pluto, Black Moon Lilith and Mars). And don’t worry…that catch-up will happen during Gemini season.
As we slow down, we will balance out what we need to get done. We will be able to schedule that self-care time with ourselves and with those that we know are good for us. But be careful about spending time with people that snuff out your light. You know who they are. You catch up with them and walk away from the meeting, wondering why you agreed to meet in the first place. That is my long-winded way of saying that as the month progresses, you let go of what needs to go. Find when to take care of yourself and take ownership of your path. Make sure that you notice where you shine and who makes you shine.
The New Moon in Taurus on 28th April is a great time to cleanse our crystals and start a new job. It is also a good time to look at our finances. A time to strategise for the coming cycle. This is when we put things in place that we want to be stable in our lives and see longevity.
This month, we see the skies slowing things down again. So we can have time to think. Time to sort the wheat from the chaff, in all facets of our lives. It will finally make sense. Like when I was watching this movie. It wasn’t until the end of the film, yes, I did stick it out, that I thought, 'Oh….that makes sense. Oh, that is good. Yep, the award was well deserved.'
And that is what April will feel like. Oh, and we are getting ready for May. We are getting ready to grab the award that is coming in May. Which award will that be? Tune in next month for the next edition of this forecast. Because April is a mere taster of everything everywhere all at once.
See you next month!
Astrological blessings,
Georgina xxx