“The astronomer has a starry map of the past, the astrologer, of our futures.” - Terri Guillemets
Photo by: Nicola Bailey
​About Georgina
Evolutionary Astrologer, Angel Tarot Reader & Intuitive
Georgina is a professional astrologer in Sydney, Australia. Astrology inspires her, and she loves transferring that inspiration to her clients. She is also a clairsentient and an angel tarot reader.
After graduating from Sydney Astrology School, she obtained an internationally recognised diploma in astrology (FAA Practitioners Diploma) and a qualification in Consulting Skills from OPA. She is a member of the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA) and the Organization for Professional Astrologers (OPA). Georgina is also the recipient of the 2023 OPA Mentorship Program.
Georgina also holds a Master of Science degree. Before finding her life purpose, she worked as a research scientist in chemistry, with stints in aviation, theatre, and music. Between seeing clients and writing work, Georgina enjoys raising her young Aquarian and Leo family.